Stacker provides the ability to dynamically replace values in the config via a concept called lookups. A lookup is meant to take a value and convert it by calling out to another service or system.
A lookup is denoted in the config with the ${<lookup type> <lookup
syntax. If <lookup type>
isn’t provided, stacker will
fall back to use the output
lookup .
Lookups are only resolved within Variables. They can be nested in any part of a YAML data structure and within another lookup itself.
If a lookup has a non-string return value, it can be the only lookup within a value.
ie. if custom returns a list, this would raise an exception:
Variable: ${custom something}, ${output otherStack::Output}
This is valid:
Variable: ${custom something}
For example, given the following:
- name: sg
class_path: some.stack.blueprint.Blueprint
- ${output otherStack::IAMRole}
Custom: ${custom ${output otherStack::Output}}
DBUrl: postgres://${output dbStack::User}@${output dbStack::HostName}
The Blueprint would have access to the following resolved variables dictionary:
# variables
"Roles": ["other-stack-iam-role"],
"Values": {
"Env": {
"Custom": "custom-output",
"DBUrl": "postgres://user@hostname",
stacker includes the following lookup types:
Output Lookup¶
The output
lookup takes a value of the format:
<stack name>::<output name>
and retrieves the output from the given stack
name within the current namespace.
stacker treats output lookups differently than other lookups by auto adding the referenced stack in the lookup as a requirement to the stack whose variable the output value is being passed to.
You can specify an output lookup with the following syntax:
ConfVariable: ${output someStack::SomeOutput}
default Lookup¶
The default
lookup type will check if a value exists for the variable
in the environment file, then fall back to a default defined in the stacker
config if the environment file doesn’t contain the variable. This allows
defaults to be set at the config file level, while granting the user the
ability to override that value per environment.
- Format of value::
- <env_var>::<default value>
- For example::
- Groups: ${default app_security_groups::sg-12345,sg-67890}
If app_security_groups is defined in the environment file, its defined value will be returned. Otherwise, sg-12345,sg-67890 will be the returned value.
The default
lookup only supports checking if a variable is defined in
an environment file. It does not support other embedded lookups to see
if they exist. Only checking variables in the environment file are supported.
If you attempt to have the default lookup perform any other lookup that
fails, stacker will throw an exception for that lookup and will stop your
build before it gets a chance to fall back to the default in your config.
KMS Lookup¶
The kms
lookup type decrypts its input value.
As an example, if you have a database and it has a parameter called
that you don’t want to store in clear text in your config
(maybe because you want to check it into your version control system to
share with the team), you could instead encrypt the value using kms
For example:
# We use the aws cli to get the encrypted value for the string
# "PASSWORD" using the master key called 'myStackerKey' in us-east-1
$ aws --region us-east-1 kms encrypt --key-id alias/myStackerKey \
--plaintext "PASSWORD" --output text --query CiphertextBlob
CiD6bC8t2Y<...encrypted blob...>
# In stacker we would reference the encrypted value like:
DBPassword: ${kms us-east-1@CiD6bC8t2Y<...encrypted blob...>}
# The above would resolve to
This requires that the person using stacker has access to the master key used to encrypt the value.
It is also possible to store the encrypted blob in a file (useful if the
value is large) using the file://
prefix, ie:
DockerConfig: ${kms file://dockercfg}
Lookups resolve the path specified with file:// relative to the location of the config file, not where the stacker command is run.
XRef Lookup¶
The xref
lookup type is very similar to the output
lookup type, the
difference being that xref
resolves output values from stacks that
aren’t contained within the current stacker namespace, but are existing stacks
containing outputs within the same region on the AWS account you are deploying
into. xref
allows you to lookup these outputs from the stacks already on
your account by specifying the stacks fully qualified name in the
CloudFormation console.
Where the output
type will take a stack name and use the current context
to expand the fully qualified stack name based on the namespace, xref
skips this expansion because it assumes you’ve provided it with
the fully qualified stack name already. This allows you to reference
output values from any CloudFormation stack in the same region.
Also, unlike the output
lookup type, xref
doesn’t impact stack
For example:
ConfVariable: ${xref fully-qualified-stack::SomeOutput}
RXRef Lookup¶
The rxref
lookup type is very similar to the xref
lookup type,
the difference being that rxref
will lookup output values from stacks
that are relative to the current namespace but external to the stack, but
will not resolve them. rxref
assumes the stack containing the output
already exists.
Where the xref
type assumes you provided a fully qualified stack name,
, like output
expands and retrieves the output from the given
stack name within the current namespace, even if not defined in the stacker
config you provided it.
Because there is no requirement to keep all stacks defined within the same
stacker YAML config, you might need the ability to read outputs from other
stacks deployed by stacker into your same account under the same namespace.
gives you that ability. This is useful if you want to break up
very large configs into smaller groupings.
Also, unlike the output
lookup type, rxref
doesn’t impact stack
For example:
# in stacker.env
namespace: MyNamespace
# in stacker.yml
ConfVariable: ${rxref my-stack::SomeOutput}
# the above would effectively resolve to
ConfVariable: ${xref MyNamespace-my-stack::SomeOutput}
Although possible, it is not recommended to use rxref
for stacks defined
within the same stacker YAML config.
File Lookup¶
The file
lookup type allows the loading of arbitrary data from files on
disk. The lookup additionally supports using a codec
to manipulate or
wrap the file contents prior to injecting it. The parameterized-b64 codec
is particularly useful to allow the interpolation of CloudFormation parameters
in a UserData attribute of an instance or launch configuration.
Basic examples:
# We've written a file to /some/path:
$ echo "hello there" > /some/path
# In stacker we would reference the contents of this file with the following
conf_key: ${file plain:file://some/path}
# The above would resolve to
conf_key: hello there
# Or, if we used wanted a base64 encoded copy of the file data
conf_key: ${file base64:file://some/path}
# The above would resolve to
conf_key: aGVsbG8gdGhlcmUK
- Supported codecs:
plain - load the contents of the file untouched. This is the only codec that should be used with raw Cloudformation templates (the other codecs are intended for blueprints).
base64 - encode the plain text file at the given path with base64 prior to returning it
parameterized - the same as plain, but additionally supports referencing CloudFormation parameters to create userdata that’s supplemented with information from the template, as is commonly needed in EC2 UserData. For example, given a template parameter of BucketName, the file could contain the following text:
#!/bin/sh aws s3 sync s3://{{BucketName}}/somepath /somepath
and then you could use something like this in the YAML config file:
UserData: ${file parameterized:/path/to/file}
resulting in the UserData parameter being defined as:
{ "Fn::Join" : ["", [ "#!/bin/sh\naws s3 sync s3://", {"Ref" : "BucketName"}, "/somepath /somepath" ]] }
parameterized-b64 - the same as parameterized, with the results additionally wrapped in { “Fn::Base64”: … } , which is what you actually need for EC2 UserData
json - decode the file as JSON and return the resulting object
json-parameterized - Same as
, but applying templating rules fromparameterized
to every object value. Note that object keys are not modified. Example (an external PolicyDocument):{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "some:Action" ], "Resource": "{{MyResource}}" } ] }
yaml - decode the file as YAML and return the resulting object. All strings are returned as
even in Python 2.yaml-parameterized - Same as
, but using YAML. Example:Version: 2012-10-17 Statement - Effect: Allow Action: - "some:Action" Resource: "{{MyResource}}"
When using parameterized-b64 for UserData, you should use a local_parameter defined as such:
from troposphere import AWSHelperFn
"UserData": {
"type": AWSHelperFn,
"description": "Instance user data",
"default": Ref("AWS::NoValue")
and then assign UserData in a LaunchConfiguration or Instance to self.get_variables()[“UserData”]. Note that we use AWSHelperFn as the type because the parameterized-b64 codec returns either a Base64 or a GenericHelperFn troposphere object.
SSM Parameter Store Lookup¶
The ssmstore
lookup type retrieves a value from the Simple Systems
Manager Parameter Store.
As an example, if you have a database and it has a parameter called
that you don’t want to store in clear text in your config,
you could instead store it as a SSM parameter named MyDBUser
For example:
# We use the aws cli to store the database username
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name "MyDBUser" --type "String" \
--value "root"
# In stacker we would reference the value like:
DBUser: ${ssmstore us-east-1@MyDBUser}
# Which would resolve to:
DBUser: root
Encrypted values (“SecureStrings”) can also be used, which will be
automatically decrypted (assuming the Stacker user has access to the
associated KMS key). Care should be taken when using this with encrypted
values (i.e. a safe policy is to only use it with no_echo
The region can be omitted (e.g. DBUser: ${ssmstore MyDBUser}
), in which
case us-east-1
will be assumed.
DynamoDb Lookup¶
The dynamodb
lookup type retrieves a value from a DynamoDb table.
As an example, if you have a Dynamo Table named TestTable
and it has an Item
with a Primary Partition key called TestKey
and a value named BucketName
, you can look it up by using Stacker. The lookup key in this case is TestVal
For example:
# We can reference that dynamo value
BucketName: ${dynamodb us-east-1:TestTable@TestKey:TestVal.BucketName}
# Which would resolve to:
BucketName: stacker-test-bucket
You can lookup other data types by putting the data type in the lookup. Valid values are “S”(String), “N”(Number), “M”(Map), “L”(List).
For example:
ServerCount: ${dynamodb us-east-1:TestTable@TestKey:TestVal.ServerCount[N]}
This would return an int value, rather than a string
You can lookup values inside of a map:
For example:
ServerCount: ${dynamodb us-east-1:TestTable@TestKey:TestVal.ServerInfo[M].
Shell Environment Lookup¶
The envvar
lookup type retrieves a value from a variable in the shell’s
# Set an environment variable in the current shell.
$ export DATABASE_USER=root
# In the stacker config we could reference the value:
DBUser: ${envvar DATABASE_USER}
# Which would resolve to:
DBUser: root
You can also get the variable name from a file, by using the file://
in the lookup, like so:
DBUser: ${envvar file://dbuser_file.txt}
EC2 AMI Lookup¶
The ami
lookup is meant to search for the most recent AMI created that
matches the given filters.
Valid arguments:
e.g. us-east-1@
owners (comma delimited) REQUIRED ONCE:
aws_account_id | amazon | self
name_regex (a regex) REQUIRED ONCE:
e.g. my-ubuntu-server-[0-9]+
executable_users (comma delimited) OPTIONAL ONCE:
aws_account_id | amazon | self
Any other arguments specified are sent as filters to the aws api For example, “architecture:x86_64” will add a filter.
# Grabs the most recently created AMI that is owned by either this account,
# amazon, or the account id 888888888888 that has a name that matches
# the regex "server[0-9]+" and has "i386" as its architecture.
# Note: The region is optional, and defaults to the current stacker region
ImageId: ${ami [<region>@]owners:self,888888888888,amazon name_regex:server[0-9]+ architecture:i386}
Hook Data Lookup¶
When using hooks, you can have the hook store results in the hook_data dictionary on the context by setting data_key in the hook config.
This lookup lets you look up values in that dictionary. A good example of this is when you use the aws_lambda hook to upload AWS Lambda code, then need to pass that code object as the Code variable in the aws_lambda blueprint dictionary.
# If you set the "data_key" config on the aws_lambda hook to be "myfunction"
# and you name the function package "TheCode" you can get the troposphere
# awslambda.Code object with:
Code: ${hook_data myfunction::TheCode}
Custom Lookup¶
A custom lookup may be registered within the config. For more information see Configuring Lookups.