Source code for stacker.lookups.handlers.default

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import

from . import LookupHandler

TYPE_NAME = "default"

[docs]class DefaultLookup(LookupHandler):
[docs] @classmethod def handle(cls, value, **kwargs): """Use a value from the environment or fall back to a default if the environment doesn't contain the variable. Format of value: <env_var>::<default value> For example: Groups: ${default app_security_groups::sg-12345,sg-67890} If `app_security_groups` is defined in the environment, its defined value will be returned. Otherwise, `sg-12345,sg-67890` will be the returned value. This allows defaults to be set at the config file level. """ try: env_var_name, default_val = value.split("::", 1) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Invalid value for default: %s. Must be in " "<env_var>::<default value> format." % value) if env_var_name in kwargs['context'].environment: return kwargs['context'].environment[env_var_name] else: return default_val