Source code for stacker.lookups.handlers.dynamodb

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import str
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import re
from stacker.session_cache import get_session

from . import LookupHandler
from ...util import read_value_from_path

TYPE_NAME = 'dynamodb'

[docs]class DynamodbLookup(LookupHandler):
[docs] @classmethod def handle(cls, value, **kwargs): """Get a value from a dynamodb table dynamodb field types should be in the following format: [<region>:]<tablename>@<primarypartionkey>:<keyvalue>.<keyvalue>... Note: The region is optional, and defaults to the environment's `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION` if not specified. """ value = read_value_from_path(value) table_info = None table_keys = None region = None table_name = None if '@' in value: table_info, table_keys = value.split('@', 1) if ':' in table_info: region, table_name = table_info.split(':', 1) else: table_name = table_info else: raise ValueError('Please make sure to include a tablename') if not table_name: raise ValueError('Please make sure to include a dynamodb table ' 'name') table_lookup, table_keys = table_keys.split(':', 1) table_keys = table_keys.split('.') key_dict = _lookup_key_parse(table_keys) new_keys = key_dict['new_keys'] clean_table_keys = key_dict['clean_table_keys'] projection_expression = _build_projection_expression(clean_table_keys) # lookup the data from dynamodb dynamodb = get_session(region).client('dynamodb') try: response = dynamodb.get_item( TableName=table_name, Key={ table_lookup: new_keys[0] }, ProjectionExpression=projection_expression ) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ResourceNotFoundException': raise ValueError( 'Cannot find the dynamodb table: {}'.format(table_name)) elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ValidationException': raise ValueError( 'No dynamodb record matched the partition key: ' '{}'.format(table_lookup)) else: raise ValueError('The dynamodb lookup {} had an error: ' '{}'.format(value, e)) # find and return the key from the dynamo data returned if 'Item' in response: return (_get_val_from_ddb_data(response['Item'], new_keys[1:])) else: raise ValueError( 'The dynamodb record could not be found using the following ' 'key: {}'.format(new_keys[0]))
def _lookup_key_parse(table_keys): """Return the order in which the stacks should be executed. Args: dependencies (dict): a dictionary where each key should be the fully qualified name of a stack whose value is an array of fully qualified stack names that the stack depends on. This is used to generate the order in which the stacks should be executed. Returns: dict: includes a dict of lookup types with data types ('new_keys') and a list of the lookups with without ('clean_table_keys') """ # we need to parse the key lookup passed in regex_matcher = '\[([^\]]+)]' valid_dynamodb_datatypes = ['M', 'S', 'N', 'L'] clean_table_keys = [] new_keys = [] for key in table_keys: match =, key) if match: # the datatypes are pulled from the dynamodb docs if in valid_dynamodb_datatypes: match_val = str( key = key.replace(, '') new_keys.append({match_val: key}) clean_table_keys.append(key) else: raise ValueError( ('Stacker does not support looking up the datatype: {}') .format(str( else: new_keys.append({'S': key}) clean_table_keys.append(key) key_dict = {} key_dict['new_keys'] = new_keys key_dict['clean_table_keys'] = clean_table_keys return key_dict def _build_projection_expression(clean_table_keys): """Given cleaned up keys, this will return a projection expression for the dynamodb lookup. Args: clean_table_keys (dict): keys without the data types attached Returns: str: A projection expression for the dynamodb lookup. """ projection_expression = '' for key in clean_table_keys[:-1]: projection_expression += ('{},').format(key) projection_expression += clean_table_keys[-1] return projection_expression def _get_val_from_ddb_data(data, keylist): """Given a dictionary of dynamodb data (including the datatypes) and a properly structured keylist, it will return the value of the lookup Args: data (dict): the raw dynamodb data keylist(list): a list of keys to lookup. This must include the datatype Returns: various: It returns the value from the dynamodb record, and casts it to a matching python datatype """ next_type = None # iterate through the keylist to find the matching key/datatype for k in keylist: for k1 in k: if next_type is None: data = data[k[k1]] else: temp_dict = data[next_type] data = temp_dict[k[k1]] next_type = k1 if next_type == 'L': # if type is list, convert it to a list and return return _convert_ddb_list_to_list(data[next_type]) if next_type == 'N': # TODO: handle various types of 'number' datatypes, (e.g. int, double) # if a number, convert to an int and return return int(data[next_type]) # else, just assume its a string and return return str(data[next_type]) def _convert_ddb_list_to_list(conversion_list): """Given a dynamodb list, it will return a python list without the dynamodb datatypes Args: conversion_list (dict): a dynamodb list which includes the datatypes Returns: list: Returns a sanitized list without the dynamodb datatypes """ ret_list = [] for v in conversion_list: for v1 in v: ret_list.append(v[v1]) return ret_list