Source code for stacker.stack

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import object
import copy

from . import util
from .variables import (

from .blueprints.raw import RawTemplateBlueprint

def _gather_variables(stack_def):
    """Merges context provided & stack defined variables.

    If multiple stacks have a variable with the same name, we can specify the
    value for a specific stack by passing in the variable name as: `<stack
    name>::<variable name>`. This variable value will only be used for that
    specific stack.

    Order of precedence:
        - context defined stack specific variables (ie.
        - context defined non-specific variables
        - variable defined within the stack definition

        stack_def (dict): The stack definition being worked on.

        dict: Contains key/value pairs of the collected variables.

        AttributeError: Raised when the stack definitition contains an invalid
            attribute. Currently only when using old parameters, rather than
    variable_values = copy.deepcopy(stack_def.variables or {})
    return [Variable(k, v) for k, v in variable_values.items()]

[docs]class Stack(object): """Represents gathered information about a stack to be built/updated. Args: definition (:class:`stacker.config.Stack`): A stack definition. context (:class:`stacker.context.Context`): Current context for building the stack. mappings (dict, optional): Cloudformation mappings passed to the blueprint. locked (bool, optional): Whether or not the stack is locked. force (bool, optional): Whether to force updates on this stack. enabled (bool, optional): Whether this stack is enabled. protected (boot, optional): Whether this stack is protected. notification_arns (list, optional): An optional list of SNS topic ARNs to send CloudFormation Events to. """ def __init__( self, definition, context, variables=None, mappings=None, locked=False, force=False, enabled=True, protected=False, notification_arns=None, ): self.logging = True = self.fqn = context.get_fqn(definition.stack_name or self.region = definition.region self.profile = definition.profile self.definition = definition self.variables = _gather_variables(definition) self.mappings = mappings self.locked = locked self.force = force self.enabled = enabled self.protected = protected self.context = context self.outputs = None self.in_progress_behavior = definition.in_progress_behavior self.notification_arns = notification_arns def __repr__(self): return self.fqn @property def required_by(self): return self.definition.required_by or [] @property def requires(self): requires = set(self.definition.requires or []) # Add any dependencies based on output lookups for variable in self.variables: deps = variable.dependencies() if in deps: message = ( "Variable %s in stack %s has a circular reference" ) % (, raise ValueError(message) requires.update(deps) return requires @property def stack_policy(self): if not hasattr(self, "_stack_policy"): self._stack_policy = None if self.definition.stack_policy_path: with open(self.definition.stack_policy_path) as f: self._stack_policy = return self._stack_policy @property def blueprint(self): if not hasattr(self, "_blueprint"): kwargs = {} blueprint_class = None if self.definition.class_path: class_path = self.definition.class_path blueprint_class = util.load_object_from_string(class_path) if not hasattr(blueprint_class, "rendered"): raise AttributeError("Stack class %s does not have a " "\"rendered\" " "attribute." % (class_path,)) elif self.definition.template_path: blueprint_class = RawTemplateBlueprint kwargs["raw_template_path"] = self.definition.template_path else: raise AttributeError("Stack does not have a defined class or " "template path.") self._blueprint = blueprint_class(, context=self.context, mappings=self.mappings, description=self.definition.description, **kwargs ) return self._blueprint @property def tags(self): """Returns the tags that should be set on this stack. Includes both the global tags, as well as any stack specific tags or overrides. Returns: dict: dictionary of tags """ tags = self.definition.tags or {} return dict(self.context.tags, **tags) @property def parameter_values(self): """Return all CloudFormation Parameters for the stack. CloudFormation Parameters can be specified via Blueprint Variables with a :class:`stacker.blueprints.variables.types.CFNType` `type`. Returns: dict: dictionary of <parameter name>: <parameter value>. """ return self.blueprint.get_parameter_values() @property def all_parameter_definitions(self): """Return a list of all parameters in the blueprint/template.""" return self.blueprint.get_parameter_definitions() @property def required_parameter_definitions(self): """Return all the required CloudFormation Parameters for the stack.""" return self.blueprint.get_required_parameter_definitions()
[docs] def resolve(self, context, provider): """Resolve the Stack variables. This resolves the Stack variables and then prepares the Blueprint for rendering by passing the resolved variables to the Blueprint. Args: context (:class:`stacker.context.Context`): stacker context provider (:class:`stacker.provider.base.BaseProvider`): subclass of the base provider """ resolve_variables(self.variables, context, provider) self.blueprint.resolve_variables(self.variables)
[docs] def set_outputs(self, outputs): self.outputs = outputs