Source code for stacker.blueprints.base

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import str
from past.builtins import basestring
from builtins import object
import copy
import hashlib
import logging
import string
from stacker.util import read_value_from_path
from stacker.variables import Variable

from troposphere import (

from ..exceptions import (
from .variables.types import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "default": "Default",
    "description": "Description",
    "no_echo": "NoEcho",
    "allowed_values": "AllowedValues",
    "allowed_pattern": "AllowedPattern",
    "max_length": "MaxLength",
    "min_length": "MinLength",
    "max_value": "MaxValue",
    "min_value": "MinValue",
    "constraint_description": "ConstraintDescription"

[docs]class CFNParameter(object): def __init__(self, name, value): """Wrapper around a value to indicate a CloudFormation Parameter. Args: name (str): the name of the CloudFormation Parameter value (str, list, int or bool): the value we're going to submit as a CloudFormation Parameter. """ acceptable_types = [basestring, bool, list, int] acceptable = False for acceptable_type in acceptable_types: if isinstance(value, acceptable_type): acceptable = True if acceptable_type == bool: logger.debug("Converting parameter %s boolean '%s' " "to string.", name, value) value = str(value).lower() break if acceptable_type == int: logger.debug("Converting parameter %s integer '%s' " "to string.", name, value) value = str(value) break if not acceptable: raise ValueError( "CFNParameter (%s) value must be one of %s got: %s" % ( name, "str, int, bool, or list", value)) = name self.value = value def __repr__(self): return "CFNParameter({}: {})".format(, self.value)
[docs] def to_parameter_value(self): """Return the value to be submitted to CloudFormation""" return self.value
@property def ref(self): return Ref(
[docs]def build_parameter(name, properties): """Builds a troposphere Parameter with the given properties. Args: name (string): The name of the parameter. properties (dict): Contains the properties that will be applied to the parameter. See: Returns: :class:`troposphere.Parameter`: The created parameter object. """ p = Parameter(name, Type=properties.get("type")) for name, attr in PARAMETER_PROPERTIES.items(): if name in properties: setattr(p, attr, properties[name]) return p
[docs]def validate_variable_type(var_name, var_type, value): """Ensures the value is the correct variable type. Args: var_name (str): The name of the defined variable on a blueprint. var_type (type): The type that the value should be. value (obj): The object representing the value provided for the variable Returns: object: Returns the appropriate value object. If the original value was of CFNType, the returned value will be wrapped in CFNParameter. Raises: ValueError: If the `value` isn't of `var_type` and can't be cast as that type, this is raised. """ if isinstance(var_type, CFNType): value = CFNParameter(name=var_name, value=value) elif isinstance(var_type, TroposphereType): try: value = var_type.create(value) except Exception as exc: name = "{}.create".format(var_type.resource_name) raise ValidatorError(var_name, name, value, exc) else: if not isinstance(value, var_type): raise ValueError( "Value for variable %s must be of type %s. Actual " "type: %s." % (var_name, var_type, type(value)) ) return value
[docs]def validate_allowed_values(allowed_values, value): """Support a variable defining which values it allows. Args: allowed_values (Optional[list]): A list of allowed values from the variable definition value (obj): The object representing the value provided for the variable Returns: bool: Boolean for whether or not the value is valid. """ # ignore CFNParameter, troposphere handles these for us if not allowed_values or isinstance(value, CFNParameter): return True return value in allowed_values
[docs]def resolve_variable(var_name, var_def, provided_variable, blueprint_name): """Resolve a provided variable value against the variable definition. Args: var_name (str): The name of the defined variable on a blueprint. var_def (dict): A dictionary representing the defined variables attributes. provided_variable (:class:`stacker.variables.Variable`): The variable value provided to the blueprint. blueprint_name (str): The name of the blueprint that the variable is being applied to. Returns: object: The resolved variable value, could be any python object. Raises: MissingVariable: Raised when a variable with no default is not provided a value. UnresolvedVariable: Raised when the provided variable is not already resolved. ValueError: Raised when the value is not the right type and cannot be cast as the correct type. Raised by :func:`stacker.blueprints.base.validate_variable_type` ValidatorError: Raised when a validator raises an exception. Wraps the original exception. """ try: var_type = var_def["type"] except KeyError: raise VariableTypeRequired(blueprint_name, var_name) if provided_variable: if not provided_variable.resolved: raise UnresolvedVariable(blueprint_name, provided_variable) value = provided_variable.value else: # Variable value not provided, try using the default, if it exists # in the definition try: value = var_def["default"] except KeyError: raise MissingVariable(blueprint_name, var_name) # If no validator, return the value as is, otherwise apply validator validator = var_def.get("validator", lambda v: v) try: value = validator(value) except Exception as exc: raise ValidatorError(var_name, validator.__name__, value, exc) # Ensure that the resulting value is the correct type value = validate_variable_type(var_name, var_type, value) allowed_values = var_def.get("allowed_values") if not validate_allowed_values(allowed_values, value): message = ( "Invalid value passed to '%s' in blueprint: %s. Got: '%s', " "expected one of %s" ) % (var_name, blueprint_name, value, allowed_values) raise ValueError(message) return value
[docs]def parse_user_data(variables, raw_user_data, blueprint_name): """Parse the given user data and renders it as a template It supports referencing template variables to create userdata that's supplemented with information from the stack, as commonly required when creating EC2 userdata files. For example: Given a raw_user_data string: 'open file ${file}' And a variables dictionary with: {'file': 'test.txt'} parse_user_data would output: open file test.txt Args: variables (dict): variables available to the template raw_user_data (str): the user_data to be parsed blueprint_name (str): the name of the blueprint Returns: str: The parsed user data, with all the variables values and refs replaced with their resolved values. Raises: InvalidUserdataPlaceholder: Raised when a placeholder name in raw_user_data is not valid. E.g ${100} would raise this. MissingVariable: Raised when a variable is in the raw_user_data that is not given in the blueprint """ variable_values = {} for key, value in variables.items(): if type(value) is CFNParameter: variable_values[key] = value.to_parameter_value() else: variable_values[key] = value template = string.Template(raw_user_data) res = "" try: res = template.substitute(variable_values) except ValueError as exp: raise InvalidUserdataPlaceholder(blueprint_name, exp.args[0]) except KeyError as key: raise MissingVariable(blueprint_name, key) return res
[docs]class Blueprint(object): """Base implementation for rendering a troposphere template. Args: name (str): A name for the blueprint. context (:class:`stacker.context.Context`): the context the blueprint is being executed under. mappings (dict, optional): Cloudformation Mappings to be used in the template. """ def __init__(self, name, context, mappings=None, description=None): = name self.context = context self.mappings = mappings self.outputs = {} self.reset_template() self.resolved_variables = None self.description = description if hasattr(self, "PARAMETERS") or hasattr(self, "LOCAL_PARAMETERS"): raise AttributeError("DEPRECATION WARNING: Blueprint %s uses " "deprecated PARAMETERS or " "LOCAL_PARAMETERS, rather than VARIABLES. " "Please update your blueprints. See https://" "" "html#variables for aditional information." % name)
[docs] def get_parameter_definitions(self): """Get the parameter definitions to submit to CloudFormation. Any variable definition whose `type` is an instance of `CFNType` will be returned as a CloudFormation Parameter. Returns: dict: parameter definitions. Keys are parameter names, the values are dicts containing key/values for various parameter properties. """ output = {} for var_name, attrs in self.defined_variables().items(): var_type = attrs.get("type") if isinstance(var_type, CFNType): cfn_attrs = copy.deepcopy(attrs) cfn_attrs["type"] = var_type.parameter_type output[var_name] = cfn_attrs return output
[docs] def get_output_definitions(self): """Gets the output definitions. Returns: dict: output definitions. Keys are output names, the values are dicts containing key/values for various output properties. """ return {k: output.to_dict() for k, output in self.template.outputs.items()}
[docs] def get_required_parameter_definitions(self): """Returns all template parameters that do not have a default value. Returns: dict: dict of required CloudFormation Parameters for the blueprint. Will be a dictionary of <parameter name>: <parameter attributes>. """ required = {} for name, attrs in self.get_parameter_definitions().items(): if "Default" not in attrs: required[name] = attrs return required
[docs] def get_parameter_values(self): """Return a dictionary of variables with `type` :class:`CFNType`. Returns: dict: variables that need to be submitted as CloudFormation Parameters. Will be a dictionary of <parameter name>: <parameter value>. """ variables = self.get_variables() output = {} for key, value in variables.items(): try: output[key] = value.to_parameter_value() except AttributeError: continue return output
[docs] def setup_parameters(self): """Add any CloudFormation parameters to the template""" t = self.template parameters = self.get_parameter_definitions() if not parameters: logger.debug("No parameters defined.") return for name, attrs in parameters.items(): p = build_parameter(name, attrs) t.add_parameter(p)
[docs] def defined_variables(self): """Return a dictionary of variables defined by the blueprint. By default, this will just return the values from `VARIABLES`, but this makes it easy for subclasses to add variables. Returns: dict: variables defined by the blueprint """ return copy.deepcopy(getattr(self, "VARIABLES", {}))
[docs] def get_variables(self): """Return a dictionary of variables available to the template. These variables will have been defined within `VARIABLES` or `self.defined_variables`. Any variable value that contains a lookup will have been resolved. Returns: dict: variables available to the template Raises: """ if self.resolved_variables is None: raise UnresolvedVariables( return self.resolved_variables
[docs] def get_cfn_parameters(self): """Return a dictionary of variables with `type` :class:`CFNType`. Returns: dict: variables that need to be submitted as CloudFormation Parameters. """ variables = self.get_variables() output = {} for key, value in variables.items(): if hasattr(value, "to_parameter_value"): output[key] = value.to_parameter_value() return output
[docs] def resolve_variables(self, provided_variables): """Resolve the values of the blueprint variables. This will resolve the values of the `VARIABLES` with values from the env file, the config, and any lookups resolved. Args: provided_variables (list of :class:`stacker.variables.Variable`): list of provided variables """ self.resolved_variables = {} defined_variables = self.defined_variables() variable_dict = dict((, var) for var in provided_variables) for var_name, var_def in defined_variables.items(): value = resolve_variable( var_name, var_def, variable_dict.get(var_name), ) self.resolved_variables[var_name] = value
[docs] def import_mappings(self): if not self.mappings: return for name, mapping in self.mappings.items(): logger.debug("Adding mapping %s.", name) self.template.add_mapping(name, mapping)
[docs] def reset_template(self): self.template = Template() self._rendered = None self._version = None
[docs] def render_template(self): """Render the Blueprint to a CloudFormation template""" self.import_mappings() self.create_template() if self.description: self.set_template_description(self.description) self.setup_parameters() rendered = self.template.to_json(indent=self.context.template_indent) version = hashlib.md5(rendered.encode()).hexdigest()[:8] return (version, rendered)
[docs] def to_json(self, variables=None): """Render the blueprint and return the template in json form. Args: variables (dict): Optional dictionary providing/overriding variable values. Returns: str: the rendered CFN JSON template """ variables_to_resolve = [] if variables: for key, value in variables.items(): variables_to_resolve.append(Variable(key, value)) for k in self.get_parameter_definitions(): if not variables or k not in variables: # The provided value for a CFN parameter has no effect in this # context (generating the CFN template), so any string can be # provided for its value - just needs to be something variables_to_resolve.append(Variable(k, 'unused_value')) self.resolve_variables(variables_to_resolve) return self.render_template()[1]
[docs] def read_user_data(self, user_data_path): """Reads and parses a user_data file. Args: user_data_path (str): path to the userdata file Returns: str: the parsed user data file """ raw_user_data = read_value_from_path(user_data_path) variables = self.get_variables() return parse_user_data(variables, raw_user_data,
[docs] def set_template_description(self, description): """Adds a description to the Template Args: description (str): A description to be added to the resulting template. """ self.template.add_description(description)
[docs] def add_output(self, name, value): """Simple helper for adding outputs. Args: name (str): The name of the output to create. value (str): The value to put in the output. """ self.template.add_output(Output(name, Value=value))
@property def requires_change_set(self): """Returns true if the underlying template has transforms.""" return self.template.transform is not None @property def rendered(self): if not self._rendered: self._version, self._rendered = self.render_template() return self._rendered @property def version(self): if not self._version: self._version, self._rendered = self.render_template() return self._version
[docs] def create_template(self): raise NotImplementedError