Source code for stacker.hooks.ecs

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
# A lot of this code exists to deal w/ the broken ECS connect_to_region
# function, and will be removed once this pull request is accepted:
from past.builtins import basestring
import logging

from stacker.session_cache import get_session

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def create_clusters(provider, context, **kwargs): """Creates ECS clusters. Expects a "clusters" argument, which should contain a list of cluster names to create. Args: provider (:class:`stacker.providers.base.BaseProvider`): provider instance context (:class:`stacker.context.Context`): context instance Returns: boolean for whether or not the hook succeeded. """ conn = get_session(provider.region).client('ecs') try: clusters = kwargs["clusters"] except KeyError: logger.error("setup_clusters hook missing \"clusters\" argument") return False if isinstance(clusters, basestring): clusters = [clusters] cluster_info = {} for cluster in clusters: logger.debug("Creating ECS cluster: %s", cluster) r = conn.create_cluster(clusterName=cluster) cluster_info[r["cluster"]["clusterName"]] = r return {"clusters": cluster_info}